One of my favorite and most brutal leg workouts, now updated to fuck you up from the comfort of your own home.
On paper, this actually doesn’t look too menacing.
But when you do it, you’ll quickly realise why it’s not to be fucked with.
The purpose of this workout is leg growth, pure and simple. Each of the exercises have a specific place and feed into the ones that follow. I’ll talk you through each one, what it does, why it’s there – and how to nail it.
Pay close attention to your technique.
Whilst you should be aiming to go hard, you shouldn’t allow yourself to lose form at any point.
Crank the playlist during your session and let’s fuck your legs up, shall we?!
A1 Negative rep hamstring sliders – 5 sets of 12: 4,2,1,0 tempo
This exercise not only wakes your hamstrings up like a sledgehammer to their face, but you also coordinate glutes and core, all of which need to work together to support a healthy spine and keep hip stability “on” as much as possible.
Lengthen your legs for 4 seconds, pause at the fully lengthened position for 2 seconds and push your heels into the floor HARD, curl up and raise your hips as hard and fast as you can, and commence the next rep without pausing.
B1a 1 1/4 rep Bulgarian Split Squats – 3 sets, 2110 tempo
On your final (3rd) set, add in a bilateral leg fucker-upper
B1b Bear squats – 20-30 reps, 2120 tempo
Yeah these look ridiculous, but you won’t be able to laugh for long because congratulations because NOW YOUR FUCKING LEGS ARE ON FIRE.
C Leg & Ab tri-set
This is the final series of exercises, but it’s also the hardest. This not only ramps up the intensity but it also creates a bit of a cardio effect – your heart will be trying to burst out of your chest and you may fall over and shit yourself.
C1 Alternating curtsy lunges – 12 reps each side, tempo optional
Keep your hands on your head throughout so that you don’t end up swinging your arms and creating momentum / making it easier as you get tired, and maintain a steady pace.
C2 Bodyweight leg extensions – 12 reps, 1-2 second contraction
Don’t worry if you don’t have a band, these are bad enough without one. Try to keep moving and don’t rest, and contract your quads hard for 1-2 seconds when your legs are fully lengthened.
C3 Reverse crunch / leg raise superset – 12 reps, controlled tempo