You don’t have to be crazy to do this program, but it does help. There’s 5 days of lifting, 3 …
Chuck Shoulder-iner
This short and nasty hypertrophy workout, paired with a Death playlist, aims to mess up all 3 heads of your deltoids for optimal growth.
I don’t like meal plans
They can help you focus on healthy eating in a consistent and predictable way, but as we know, life is neither consistent nor predictable.
Bodyweight Fluctuations
Why your weight acts like a possessed child.
Ways to beat food cravings
Writing your own programming during lockdown?
You can’t ride two horses with only one ass, you shouldn’t skip leg day and you need to treat recovery seriously.
3 Reasons your programming sucks
Writing your own programming during lockdown?
You can’t ride two horses with only one ass, you shouldn’t skip leg day and you need to treat recovery seriously.
How not to diet Part 1
When it comes to diet and exercise, and pretty much anything else in life, I figure: If you do stupid …
Reading Biofeedback
We all know, or have been, that person that slashes their calories (and carbs) stupidly low, then embarks on hours of cardio every day, with lifting on top.
For the first couple of weeks you might feel good (hello adrenalin), see dramatic fat loss and believe you’re on the fast track to looking jacked and lean for life.
Then all of a sudden, you’re farting like Satan is inside your anus and trying to escape.
You can’t eat anything without blowing up and looking 6 months pregnant.
You can’t sleep longer than two hours at a time, and you feel most alert when you should be asleep.
You rely on caffeiene to keep yourself alert, and you can’t focus on anything.
You have dropped a lot of scale weight but you don’t look any leaner, and you can’t get a pump if your life depended on it, and
As soon as you start eating normally again, you seem to accumulate bodyfat and weight overnight.
How to FINALLY get some sleep
Didn’t sleep well last night? Didn’t sleep well for most nights?
Haven’t slept well since forever?
DON’T reach for the extra coffee. READ THIS
The Right Tool for The Job – Part 2
Six weeks ago I began a ketogenic diet to understand what my client(s) were going through. I wanted to know …
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